God gave us the solution to help all the worthy causes. It’s not the individual Christian; it’s the collective church.

On a regular basis, some Christian writes a viral think piece or social media thread about how they’ve come to the realization they would be

There are thousands of books and millions of articles written to give you advice on how to be a parent, and in particular, a Christian

The aspects of Christianity which challenge the current cultural climate the most are the ones that force us to go deeper into our faith.

Does “The Rings of Power” Have a Hidden Reference to C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien’s Inklings Group?
C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and their fantasy worlds are inextricably linked, and that may even extend to “The Rings of Power.”

Like the unlikely hobbit carrying the fate of the world, I have found hope for “The Rings of Power” in the strangest of places, including the words of an atheist “Game of Thrones” writer.

Ironically, Christians can lack humility because God displayed humility in speaking to humanity. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

How would our behavior differ if we truly believed that our fellow Christians are fellow pieces of the beautiful home God is building for Himself?

Everyone thinks they know enough to be an expert on every subject. How can we fix that?

You can be impressed by the beauty God’s creation, but do not lose sight of the one thing in the entire universe that alone bears His image.